September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read this book years ago and never forgot it. This is about a bisexual man who is “gifted” at sex, and takes people to heights they’ve never reached before. But wait! Don’t click off just yet!

    This book doesn’t rely on “gay” to tell its story, so if you are not interested in gay stories, don’t be put off. Hope that doesn’t offend anybody, just trying to tell everyone there’s no agenda in this book. This is a book about resilience, retaining the sense that there is good in this world, love, the beauty of sex, grace in death, and childhood friendship. Yes, it’s also about a bisexual man, but he’s a person here…not a vehicle through which the author teaches a lesson.

    Sex is not handled in a vulgar way here, nor is it very physically descriptive. It’s metaphorical and idealized, so if you cannot understand sex as more than just bodies on bodies, you may struggle with this book. Or maybe it will give you a new perspective!

    One of the things I loved about this book was there is no self-pity in the main character. This is a strong man, yet also a sensitive and heart-centered man.

    This is a story I would class as magical realism. It’s a very short book too, to my memory. Poetically written, symbolic, touching.

    by conservativeangel

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