July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Greetings, fellow readers, writers, and redditors. I’m Christopher Paolini, creator of the World of Eragon and the Fractalverse. For the first time, I have two books coming out in one year! FRACTAL NOISE, a sequel to To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, releases on May 16th, and then — the one I’m sure lots of you are looking forward to — MURTAGH, a sequel to the Inheritance Cycle, releases Nov. 7th. There’s also an illustrated edition of Eragon (to celebrate its 20th anniversary) coming out on Nov. 7th. Busy year.

    Now, with all of that out of the way … I can’t wait to answer your questions!


    EDIT: Alright folks, let’s kick this off. I have a fresh cup of coffee (decaf, as it’s my third today), I’m plugged into my mechanical keyboard, as I’m going to be doing a lot of typing (Das Keyboard, if anyone is wondering), and I’m listening to some lofi Alagaësia beats: https://youtu.be/AenTMEtKhIg


    EDIT 2: It’s been a blast, but I gotta run. Thanks for all of the awesome questions. Feel free to continue to leave comments. I’ll do my best to pop back in over the next few days and answer a few more. Until then … may the stars watch over you.

    by ChristopherPaolini


    1. JereJereDaze on

      Dear Mr Paolini, you are the person who got me into reading and I am extremely thankful for that, I actually originally watched the movie, liked it, then I read the books and realised that the movie wasn’t that good compared to the books which are amazing.

      But anyways, how long will the new inheritance series approximately be?
      Will there be other series set in alagaësia after that one?
      Maybe prequels or books in the far future?

      And most importantly, have you remembered to drink water? Hydration is important.

      Have a pleasant day

    2. Zak_The_Slack on

      Hey Mr Paolini! Just want to say that I am a huge fan and I’ve enjoyed your books so much! The Inheritance Cycle were my favorite books to this date!

      Anyways, I just wanted to ask one question: Which character in the Inheritance Cycle is your favorite to write?

    3. Hello Christopher, nice to see you here again, and hope to make it in person to your tour in a few weeks to see you in person.

      Anyways, here are my questions.

      **Fractal Noise**

      – Fractal Noise has the same chapter/subchapter structure as To Sleep. Will all fractalverse books be this way?

      – Hypothetically, if you could imagine yourself looking back a few years down the line when FN isn’t currently “the new book being marketed”, would you recommend people read FN first or To Sleep first?

      – “‘Tis a fearful thing | to love what death can touch”. In the epigraph this is attributed to “anonymous”, and on the copyright page it’s attributed to “Rabbi Chaim Stern”. Which is it, and if it wasn’t anonymous, why present it as such?


      – I asked you this before, but I realize now that your answer had multiple ways to interpret it, so I’ll try to ask this a little bit clearer. Was the portal Angela opens in FWW an actual Torque Gate? And if so is there anything about this that you can elaborate on?

      – You’ve said that “Inarë is who you think she is.” I thought this was pretty clear, and other people apparently did too, but then upon discussion it turned out that we hadn’t actually thought the same about who she is. So can you answer the more direct question of “Is she Angela the Herbalist?”

      – Is Gûntera an Inarë? And if this is not something you can answer, is at least the right type of question that we should be asking?


      – The 2002 self published edition contains a line in the about the author blurb referencing you already spending your time promoting the book (suggesting it existed prior to that point). [Alagesia.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20170514213407/http://www.alagaesia.com/author.php) says that you “self-published the book in 2001”. I’ve also seen one or two references to listings that claim to be earlier copies [such as this picture](https://i.imgur.com/Y8QfJRp.png), but without further details. So my question is, Was there an earlier 2001 state of the self-published edition? Also if you have any numbers available, do you know how many different impressions there were during the self-publishing phase, and how many copies sold?

      – Have any of the stories for Tales from Alagaesia Volume 2 been written yet?

      – Is the Unity physical release still looking at a 2023 release, or is it likely to be pushed back to 2024?

      – You’ve mentioned a “Tom Clancy thriller style direct sequel” to To Sleep, as well as more book(s) about Kira and her journey to defeat the replicas. Are these all referring to the same book? Also you hinted on twitter about a YA steampunk prequel. Is this a different book?

      – In a 2014 video you briefly showed a short story on camera with a title that seems to say “The City of Shining Shadows”, in what I assume was an intentional tease. Has anything happened with this short story?

    4. Hey,

      Is there anything in the series that you have written and published and afterwards sort of regretted it or wished you’d done it differently?

      Have a nice day!

    5. Icy-Bullfrog-2321 on

      Hi Chris, i read the first three books of the inheritance cycle when I was much younger, but now I just reread them and read book four for the first time. I was wondering if during Solembum’s prophecy if you had known from the beginning that you were going to have the eldunari be the source or Galbatorix’s power, or did you work out what was going to be at the rock of Kunthian as you went along?

      Also are you planning on writing any more books to follow along the inheritance cycle after Murtagh?

    6. Way back when while you were writing the original inheritance cycle, how much of the world building came before you started writing versus while you were writing the cycle?

    7. thegoatfreak on

      Good afternoon, Chris!

      First of all I just wanted to say thanks for writing a series that meant so much to me growing up. I first read Eragon when I was in fifth grade at about 9 years old. I just reread them all again, but now I’m 27, and the series still holds up beautifully. Alagaësia felt so vivid, so alive, even more so now that I’m old enough to really appreciate the writing. Absolutely well done on that, sir.

      My question to you is: what’s your writing process like? Do you prefer handwriting or typing drafts? What’s your go to writing snack/drink?

      Have a wonderful day, and I’m so very excited to read the next installment!!!

      (Side note: thanks so much for being the only author who ever wrote me back, and twice at that. The letters and signed photograph are among my most prized possessions.)

    8. What was the inspiration for Eragon’s name? As a kid I read your books before seeing the Lord of the Rings movies, so I always thought Aragorn was spelled/pronounced Eragon and always thought it was so cool that these two awesome characters shared a name. I’m older and know better now lol, but curious if that was an intended connection.

    9. Your books changed my view of fantasy. Thank you for your work, and everything you’ve given us. What color would your dragon be?

    10. floral_friend on

      Pleaaase I’ve been asking for years.

      Do dragons have lips?

      In the Eragon 2018 exclusive collector’s edition you say in the Q&A that they do not, and in fact it would be silly.
      But in on page 115 you contradict that, Eldest page 12, and on page 319 of Brisingr (I’m certain there’s more, I just wrote these down). She’s also described as snarling, an action that requires lips to do (hense why animals like foxes can’t snarl.)
      So do they have lips, yes or no?

    11. Hello Mr Paolini, massive fan of all your work, I just wanted to ask a question that I’ve always wondered, if you had to be a race in Alagaesia which one would you be? I think I’d have to be a Dragon, cmon who doesn’t want to be a dragon haha.

    12. Mythology216 on

      Hello. I’ve been a huge fan of your work since I found Eragon in my school library way back in 2005. It remains my favorite book series of all time.

      So I’ve got a couple questions. First: I know you’ve said that what the Menoa Tree took from Eragon will be covered in a future story. Is there any chance that might be covered in Murtagh, or will it more likely be a Book 5 thing?

      And second: I’ve always wondered just how old Oromis and Glaedr are. Did you ever have an exact age in mind? And if so, could you share it?

      Thank you, both for creating your amazing worlds and for answering our questions.

      Edit: Also, is there any chance you’ll come through Oklahoma City during one of your book tours?

    13. Formal_Conclusion_29 on

      1. In *Murtagh*, are Murtagh and Thorn going to visit Mount Arngor by any chance?
      2. In *Murtagh*, will Murtagh see Nasuada again?

    14. Well met, Mr. Paolini. You once, uh, “corrected” me on a reddit thread about Arya’s potential casting, in which I (jokingly) said Arya should clearly be played by Danny DeVito. You told me Danny is, in fact, Elva, and I just want to say your reply made my entire week.

      Now, my question is: when you sit down to write, what is your beverage of choice? Tea? Coffee? Hot or cold?

    15. nostradamoose96 on

      Hi Christopher! I have just a few questions and am psyched to hear your answers! Eragon was one of the very first novels that got my hooked on the fantasy genre for a lifetime.

      How does it feel to be responsible for an entire generation of people similar to your own age and younger finding their love of reading fantasy?

      How did YOU feel about the Eragon film adaptation? Did it feel good at least to see actors like Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich agree to join the project? Have your feelings about it changed over time at all?

      Have you ever considered seeking out a new studio to do a film/TV adaptation of the Inheritance cycle? Would you prefer a TV series over a film series or vice versa? Because the modern trend of high budget fantasy TV has really changed the game.

    16. TheOneLandon on

      Would you ever consider writing more about the Grey Folk? Even if it’s more of a small side story. I’d love to delve deeper into their backstory and see who they were!

    17. Hello Christopher! Just wanted to say I’m so excited for the new Murtagh novel as he was my favorite character of the Inheritance Cycle and it felt like we didn’t get enough of his journey towards the end!

      My question is about the status of any potential film/tv series adaptations of the Inheritance Cycle. I know it was announced that you are writing a script for Disney, is an animated series in the style of Arcane something you think would work well for the story or does a live action adaptation more suit what you’re aiming for? Also, a lot of the audience that grew up on your books like myself are now adults and perhaps enjoy some more darker tones and themes that are absolutely present in your books but maybe could be expanded on some more. Is this something you’re interested in portraying on the screen?

      Thank you!

    18. Hello,

      have you thought about expanding The Inheritancle Cycle to other media like video games? I think there’s a lot of untapped potential there given how big the global gaming market has grown in the past years and is still growing.

      Also, despite the critical reception of the 2006 Eragon movie, it actually introduced me to your book series and i have been a fan ever since. Thanks for that:)

    19. Dear Christopher, I was wondering – did Brom ever meet Murtagh when they were both at Morzan’s estate? Is there anything else you can tell us about the relationship between Selena, Brom and Morzan? And finally, if Murtagh was given the choice to give up all the luxuries of the court and grow up as a poor farmer with Eragon and Roran, would he do it?

      Greatly looking forward to your upcoming works. Thank you so much!

    20. Illustrious_Chaos on

      Dear Mr. Paolini

      First, the inheritance series is my favorite series of all time because of how well written the story and characters are so thank you for writing them and sparking my love of reading. My question for you is will there be more books added to the inheritance series? If so, will they be continuations of the story like a book 5 and book 6 or will they be more similar to that of your upcoming book Murtaugh?

      Also, when writing a story, how do you know when your pacing and character development is good? I’ve been thinking of writing a story and I’ve been having trouble with the pacing and development of characters and each time I try it feels as if the change is too sudden and when I try to lead up to it with foreshadowing it feels forced. Any advice on how to improve?

    21. Hi,

      My question/s:- There was a picture on Arya’s table when Eragon went to talk to her in Ellesmera in Eldest. Whose picture was that – Faolin or Arya’s father Evander?

      Why didn’t Eragon ever point out to Arya that the flower Faolin gave to her (black morning glory) which is black in colour is actually a terrible omen to give to anybody especially a lover and that it symbolises death..(at least in a subtle way)

      When I read your books I noticed that secrecy isn’t really valued at all especially by Eragon.. I mean even the eldunari to be revealed to roran , orrin and even orik was downright crazily annoying. Nothing seems sacred which brings me to my next point about the eldunari being left out in the open… I always hoped that the eldunari will be kept in this really cool under ground cave or tunnel sort of mix of Hogwarts and how to train your dragon sort of thing… so why?

      Are you keeping a strict timeline of things now that the story is progressing in different directions? Ur a great author but the reason I’m asking is that I had read a series by another author who had so many different stories coming out in the same world but the timeline was so messed up that as a reader, I couldn’t wrap my head around it which worries me as a reader of your books because well..then it won’t matter even if the stories are good.

      Arya’s pov? If yes, When? Like do I expect after murtaugh atleast or not? If it’s not, it’s cool want a rough heads up if you can provide it.

      Any other tales of alagaesia 2 books this time not being so small atleast?

    22. zzzzerotonin on

      Hey! Hope parenthood is going smoothly and thanks A LOT for all the AMAs and the involvement you have with the fans.

      My question(s):

      1. Are politics involved in who elves choose as partners? Specially for higher rank elves like nobility or members of the royal family; are elves really free to choose who they have kids with?

      2. On that topic, did Islanzadí and other members of court know/approve of Arya’s relationship with Fäolin?

      3. How did Evandar and Islanzadí meet?

      Again, thanks a lot and have a great day!

    23. justiceforharambe49 on

      Hi, Chris! Was it ever on the table that Shruikan would turn on Galbatorix? We spent a long time learning that he wasn’t really to blame for all the bad stuff that happened, and that he himself was a victim, being controlled and all. This led me to believe that >!he’d end up being the one killing Galbatorix, as some sort of poetic justice. In the end I felt that he didn’t get the justice he deserved!!<

      In general, were there some other endings for Inheritance that almost made it to the final draft but you chose not to go with? What were the main details?

      I’d also like to take moment to thank you for all the good memories. I cherish the times I’ve spent reading the Inheritance Cycle, sharing it with my friends as a kid, making our own spells, discussing theories, and daydreaming about elven adventures.

    24. Walker_of_the_Abyss on

      When did Murtagh (the book) idea come about and from? Was it an off shoot of working on The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm or when you were plotting out Book Five?

      Which gems have the greater capacity to hold energy for Eragon, the Belt of Beloth the Wise or Aren? Because Aren seems to be the answer to this question. In the books it seems like it hold a lot more energy than the belt and there’s an old [Q&A](http://web.archive.org/web/20101225173958/http://shurtugal.com/interviews/monthly-qas-with-christopher-paolini/qa-with-christopher-paolini-may-2009/) that suggest that too.

      What are the sales figures for the Inheritance Cycle and To Sleep in a Sea of Star currently?

      A long time ago, you stated that you had the idea for seven more novels within the world of Eragon. More recently, you had three novels plotted out after Book Five’s completion. Have those plans changed in any way?

    25. Hello u/ChristopherPaolini ! I have a few question…

      **Do you have any new snippets of info regarding the Grey Folk and the Original Eragon that you could impart with us?** 👀

      **Has the Shadow affected any events in the Inheritance cycle or the Rise of Galbatorix?**

      Also Huge fan of your writing, I can’t wait for Murtagh, Thank you!

    26. Regarding the opening blurb: I, for one, am very much looking forward to both upcoming books. Been reading Inheritance since before Brisingr, and #TSiaSoS was amazing, definitely up to its hype, so I can’t wait to see what comes next (or before, as the case may be) on both fronts.

      On to the purpose of this thread:

      1. Is there any reason, as far as you know, from a publishing perspective why Amazon.com would be unable to ship Murtagh internationally (to Israel, in this case), when other books (including but not limited to Fractal Noise, which has an outstanding preorder, and the new Illustrated Edition) are available with no issues? When speaking to their support about it they first pointed me at a list of restrictions, none of which apply, and then just said I should ask the author and publisher.
      2. What’s your favorite species of fungus?
      3. Any plans yet regarding the cover of the eventual Book V (or… would it be VI?), in terms of the design? Any chance of it being (or having a version that’s) the old-school flat color frame around the dragon to match the originals as a set? Or would it be more in the style of Murtagh?

      3.1. (Any chance of an eventual Murtagh: Classic Cover Edition?)

    27. CartographerEven6641 on

      Hey Christopher!

      Big fan, I’ve been reading the Inheritance Cycle since I was a kid and always come back to that Series as an Adult every few months or so 🙂

      Just wanted to say thank you for the world you created; I can only speak for myself but it’s been a great place of comfort when I’ve had difficult moments in life and I feel like my perspective on the characters change as I grow older


      I had a few questions if you have the time to answer!


      * Will there be another future Book showing Saphira and Eragon at the Head of the new Rider Order? If so, will we see them train the next generation of Riders?
      * I was always curious about how many Riders there were before Galbatorix started his campaign, do you have a rough number in your mind?
      * I loved Oromis and Glaedr throughout the Series and was wondering if there are any future ideas for them (maybe a Prequel short story?)
      * Final question, is there anything non-spoiler you can share regarding Murtagh’s upcoming Novel this November? 🙂


      Thank you again and May the Stars Watch Over You

    28. This is a thing I’ve been thinking about for a few years. So, I was relistening to my audio book version of Eragon, and I noticed that the fever dream he had early on (I think chapter 3 or 4, or smth along those lines) where he was on a boat with a beautiful woman and 2 dragons was very similar to the ending of _Inheritence_.

      So my question is, was this dream actually an omen or a prophetic dream (similar to the dream on the boat ride in The Eldest that foreshadowed the battle with Murtagh)? Or am I overthinking it.

    29. Hi Christopher! I grew up in Bozeman, and I’ve read that the mountains around Paradise Valley inspired the geography of Alagaesia. What other notable inspirations from the real world became part of your works?

    30. What’s your favourite fan theory, that you’ve seen out here? Doesn’t matter if they’re correct or incorrect.

    31. whiskeygonegirl on

      Do you currently have plans to explain the connections between three Fractalverse and they world of the Inheritance cycle (i.e. Angela and Solumbum in TSIASOS)?

      Will Murtagh be written from one point of view primarily like Eragon, or will it have different character perspectives more in line with Eldest-Inheritance?

      Are any of the big questions you left open at the end of Inheritance answered in Murtagh or must we continue to wait? (what the Meona tree took, Brom’s last words, the belt of beloth, naegling, etc)

      Thanks so much for your wonderful stories, I’ve spent most of my life enjoying them and I can’t wait to read what’s next!

    32. shewhobreathesfire on

      Dear Christopher, I am extremely thrilled about Murtagh and the new illustrated edition!
      I cannot wait to read it and make a bunch of fan art for it!
      The discord server and I have compiled a list of questions we’d like to ask you! They are
      all IC themed, though…
      1.      What would happen if a rider and their dragon do not want to join Eragon or the elves for training, for whatever reason?
      2.      Can someone be too old or young to have a dragon hatch for them?
      3.      Will the eggs be only presented to children?
      4.      Will there be any reluctance on the human side about women becoming riders?
      5.      Are different color eyes from scales common in dragons? (As in, a dragon with blue scales and green eyes for example)
      Additionally, are multicolored dragons rare?
      6.      Will Arya get her own chapter or POV in Tales of Alagaesia or another book?
      7.      In FWW, it is mentioned that Eragon is trying to learn other languages such as dwarvish. Is it coming along? I know it took me a few years just to learn English!
      8.      Will Roran return for Tales or Book V?
      9.      Eragon being a dad for baby dragons when?
      10.   In FWW, Eragon trains Elva for a while, but we do not get to see it. Was this cut, or did you not have any interest in writing it?
      11.   Are there any queer main characters?
      12.   What are you planning for your
      series, both the IC and Fractal verse, and are you planning anything new

    33. DylanTheDemon on

      Hello Christopher, I am a huge fan of your work, Inheritance Cycle was my intro into fantasy way back in middle school, and its brought me no end of joy since then

      I actually had a single topic in intensely curious about and that’s Shades
      – You once said an elf shade would be a worse threat than Galbatorix if I remember right, would you mind elaborating on that?
      – what is the upper limited to the number of spirits that can inhabit a shade and does that impact thier power and abilities?
      – how many shades would you say live at the point Eragon bonded with Saphira?
      – I noticed Durza speaks with singular pronouns but Varaug speaks with Plural is their a reason for that?
      – was the red eyed rabbit a monty Python reference?
      – could shades ever work together?

      Thank you sincerely, both for the worlds you have brought into being that bring us such joy and for taking the time you do to interact with us.

    34. Goblinmaster13 on

      Would you ever consider working with someone to create a TTRPG based on the inheritance cycle?

    35. Hello Christopher!

      Firstly I want to thank you for the common 18-year adventure in Alagaesia! This series has had a special place in my heart since its first reading in 2005.

      Now, I promise I won’t ask about Menoa Tree.

      My first question is about your impression of writing from Murtagh’s perspective. I’m interested in what you like the most in leading the story from this POV which was not ever could be included in other characters’ perspectives. Maybe some trait of character or something in his unparticular situation?

      Second – How your impression about writing the continuation of the series after a long time without the impatient gaze of publishers? I felt during reading The Fork The Witch and The Worm you had new fresh energy without this pressure. Or maybe you were afraid that you would become the second G. R. R. Martin?

      My last question is about colours in Inheritance Cycle. Did you usually use a literary colour code? In the case of dragons, it is rather obvious that colours have characteristic meanings (green – hope, red – blood, love) but I noticed during the hundredth reread that colours sometimes appears a little unexpected. For example, in Nasuada’s perspective, I perceived red (a lot!), and yellow and white in her surroundings (her skirts, flowers, etc.) meanwhile in Roran’s chapters we can see only one colour (the cooper of Katrina’s hair). So I’m curious that you used colours to hint at something or that usually just be a random choice.

      May your pen stay sharp!

    36. MelonTheoPhysics on

      Greetings from Spain, Paolini.

      Do spirits have a hierarchy system? It seems to me, that there are ones more powerful than others. Also some are more interested in power and control than others which prefer to be in their own business…In fact I would like to know anything interesting you have to say about the spitits-topic.

      Best regards

    37. Little_Poisson on

      Good afternoon Mr Paolini,

      First of all, sorry for my poor English. I’ve been a fan of your books since 2005 and I’ve overjoy at the idea of a Murtagh book, especially since he’s my favourite character.

      I have a few questions for you 🙂

      Did becoming a father changed the way you write or how you perceived a character? Since having my baby, thinking of Selena’s sacrifice brings me to tears as I can now feel the courage she had to give Eragon to her brother.

      How many books do you plan to release in the Alagaesian universe, including short stories like FWW? Do you plan to do another trilogy or so set in the universe, or more one-off books?

      Do you have plan write books that are not Fractalverse or Inheritance related or do you wish to continue the majority of you career expending those universes? Or 50/50?

      Are you as excited as us about the new TV serie coming in Disney +?

      Would you like to do a cameo in the TV serie? If so, which minor character would you like to be?

      Are we gonna discover other continents in the Alagaesian universe? More creatures, races and such? Or like Wheel of Time, we’ll stay in the main continent and only mention others?

      What kind of writer are you? Are you more of an architect, planning everything? Or like a gardener, planting seeds and seeing how it grows?

      Do elves have the equivalent of Drow/Dark elves in your world? Or like, different kinds of elves (city elves, forest elves, snow elves, etc)

      Last question : If Selena could say one thing to each of her sons, what would it be? Except I love you, of course 🙂

      Thanks again for everything you’re doing and I wish you and your family a nice spring with a lot of love 🙂

    38. lonelysad1989 on

      I think what would make the Eragon TV show stand out against Game of Thrones is if it brings up the same philosophical questions that apply to our modern contemporary world like different tribes or groups of people having different religions and even explicitly atheist elves, and even the elves vegan lifestyle. Do you think those will be brought up in the TV show?

    39. legendstaff21 on

      -Can you give us a hint to the next Fractalverse novel beyond Fractal Noise? Would it feature any characters we already know?

      -If you were ever to write something taking place before the banishing of names would you use the names of the Forsworn’s dragons or not?

    40. lonelysad1989 on

      I’ve always been curious given that the books I think often unlike similar books in the same genre, the Inheritance cycle touches upon atheism and veganism…I get the feeling that you take the position of not revealing whether or not you are yourself, but I have to try to ask anyway, are you a vegan and/or atheist?

    41. Will we get to see other cultures in Alagaesia that have different relationships with magic? It seems like The Fork was alluding to a relationship with magic that we haven’t seen, I would assume predominantly wordless in this case but I’m only speculating at this point

    42. yellowsombrero2 on

      Hey Christopher, I’ve been a fan of the Inheritance Cycle for a while. Thanks for writing such great books!

      I’ve had two things I’ve wondered for a while-

      If I’m remembering correctly, Murtagh claims that he is stronger than his father, but Galbatorix dismisses him as a “shadow of a shadow”. Who was actually stronger between Murtagh and Morzan?

      Do shades work normally biologically? You’ve mentioned that dragons could become shades – would a shade dragon continue to grow/be able to reproduce?

      Thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to reading book five and any other books you write in the future!

    43. I have thoughts about Selena and I’m wondering if we will get any more information on her in the upcoming book. She just seems like such a badass and we get so little about her. Will there be more or have the boys worked out everything they needed to re: dead mom?

      Thank you for all that you do! I love your work and I’ve been a fan since 2004, what amounts to more than half my life. Please never stop writing and I hope to catch you on tour! Congrats on every you have going on!

    44. Good to see you again Chris

      1. How does it feel to get back to writing a major story in the Inheritance universe again after such a long time? Did you accidently forget anything and have to go back and check up on something? lol
      2. Was/is there any magic or area of magic Eragon finds annoying to learn or do? He’s like, ugh this is annoying.
      3. How chatty are the sane Eldunarí? If you were to go in and speak with them would they be like, yeah come on lets have a chat.
      4. Is there a limit to the ancient language? Since the grey folk can’t add new things and it’s shown only those with the name of names can do it does that mean that there might be spells you can think of but not the words to form them?
      5. Does Elva’s ability allow her to understand things she normally wouldn’t? Let’s say a modern person appears before her and, for some reason, they are spooked of a modern day cell phone. Would her ability let her know, o yes a cell phone is a electronic device that allows people to talk with each other through radio waves?
      6. Has Eragon and the dragons thought of fail safes or things to do were another Galbatorix to show up?
      7. Angela appears to have many doors she can go through that lead to many places, including places that aren’t on the world of Alagaësia. Has Elva ever gone to one of these places?
      8. Can you go into detail a little more on what the dragons got from bond spell? I think you wrote, they got the trappings or captures of civilization. Does that mean their ability to communicate improved with words and symbols vs just memories as before? Does it mean they like to tinker or make things more like how Saphira has?
      9. Will there be a cute moment with Thorn in Murtagh, like calling Murtagh a name like little one or Murtagh snuggling up to Thorn?
      10. Last question: Don’t know if you’ve played dnd, but what’s your favorite class you would go? :3


    45. alphabet_sam on

      Hi Christopher, one time when I was in 5th grade we had a project to send letters to authors and at the end of the year if we read enough books we received the letters as a reward. I sent one to you and unlike most authors I sent them to, you actually responded. Did you really write fan letters and send them back to people? It would’ve been around 2006-2007. My parents still have the letter in my memory box (I did hit my reading goal by the end of the year).

    46. GilderienBot on

      Among all the advice Brom gave Eragon, he once said “never try to unmake anything.”

      Is this because unmaking things always results in a destructive blast of energy? 😉

      In other words, is “waíse néiat”, or “be not” actually an example of an unmaking spell, and it just so happens that the thing Galbatorix was trying to unmake was himself?

      In all this, I’m just wondering if we should rename what the community colloquially refers to as the “suicide spell” to the “unmaking spell”. 😀

      ^(Posted on behalf of Hellomynameis99 from the) [^(Arcaena Discord Server)](https://discord.gg/T2c8ejZy4h)

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