September 2024
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    1. Sergeant-Snorty-Cake on

      The setting is more than 100 years ago, but Regeneration by Pat Barker is historic fiction in which therapy is front and center to the plot and dominates many of the chapters,

      Blurb: “In 1917 Siegfried Sasson, noted poet and decorated war hero, publicly refused to continue serving as a British officer in World War I. His reason: the war was a senseless slaughter. He was officially classified “mentally unsound” and sent to Craiglockhart War Hospital. There a brilliant psychiatrist, Dr. William Rivers, set about restoring Sassoon’s “sanity” and sending him back to the trenches. This novel tells what happened as only a novel can. It is a war saga in which not a shot is fired. It is a story of a battle for a man’s mind in which only the reader can decide who is the victor, who the vanquished, and who the victim.”

    2. Susanna Kaysen – Girl Interrupted (yup, the book the movie with Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie is based on).

    3. Not the focus of the book, but I found the part where a character goes to therapy quite interesting – Normal People by Sally Rooney

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