September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was a teenager, I bought a series of comic books, 40+ volumes, currently taking up an entire shelf in my home.

    When I grew older and found the author on social media I had the misfortune of learning that the author is not just a paedophile, he joined politics to campaign against banning child pornography (by trying to get it categorized as art), and re-reading his omics as an adult it is so apparent that I wonder how thick I must have been as a teen to have missed it.

    I don’t want them in my house. I don’t feel like throwing them in the garbage is very productive, and I do not wish to donate them to the local library so that other people can read them. Burning them at least feels personally right, but burning books is also taboo for a good reason.

    by World_of_Warshipgirl


    1. SaariUmarMeinJoker on

      Idk, it’s technically wood and winter is already here, toss it in the chimney my friend

    2. PotterAndPitties on

      See if any comic book shops would purchase them.

      Curious as to why you chose not to identify the author here.

    3. If you’re looking to just get rid of them, recycle them. Or shred them and donate the shreds to an artist (that’s what I do with shredded material from my office – one of my board members is a potter and using shredded paper is his preferred method of firing).

    4. I personally wouldn’t care if I still loved the books. But if for some reason I wanted to get rid of them I’d donate them to goodwill or take them to a used bookstore. Many other people could still look past the author. But if you feel so strongly about it that you don’t want to share his work then just throw them away. It doesn’t have to be this big of a deal.

    5. sufferin_sassafras on

      Just going out on a limb and suggesting that the reason burning books is bad doesn’t apply in this situation.

    6. hauntingvacay96 on

      Do what you want with them

      The authors not profiting off of the books you already own.

      Burning your own books is fine. It’s when you call for the burning of others books because you disagree with their message or content that people tend to get in a tizzy.

      Recycling is, as others have said, an option.

      Personally I’d probably just file them away in a closet somewhere and forget about them.

    7. superherowithnopower on

      Books are not inherently sacred objects. You can just throw them in the garbage. I do not understand what you mean by that not being “very productive.” It seems like it accomplishes your goal well enough: they are out of your house and not being passed on to someone else.

    8. starrystarryknife on

      Presuming the subject matter of the books isn’t itself related to the author’s crimes, I’d personally sell them and give the money to a charity that helps survivors of CSA. That’s what I did with my pedophile relative’s Christmas gifts, until he got the message I didn’t want them.

      You can also recycle them, or shred them and use the paper for guinea pig bedding or something. (That’s mostly a joke– I have no idea how guinea pig bedding works.)

    9. I don’t see any problem with you burning them. There’s a big difference between a person deciding to burn their own books for their own reasons and the state deciding certain books should be burned. If burning works for you, do it. Otherwise just recycle them.

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