September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Getting ready for surgery that will leave me in a slight brain fog and doctor’s orders to avoid social media or high stimulation sources for a month post-surg, so I’d like a mountain of books to work through in that downtime.

    I really enjoyed The Way Inn and Reincarnation Blues, loved House Of Leaves way back when. Cloud Atlas was alright, good but not great. I liked Southern Reach less and less with each book but really enjoyed the first. I admittedly didn’t fall in love with either Cloud Atlas or Southern Reach as much as most other readers did.

    Generally looking for one and done stories the develop or define their own logic system, and explore a snippet of it. “Here’s this weird thing, let’s look at it for a minute, okay as you were.” but as a genre.

    by MuchAdoAboutTrees

    1 Comment

    1. How to Stop Time and the Midnight Library by Matt Haig
      Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson

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