September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is a bit of a weird one, but I love the novelization of the original Star Wars trilogy, and I’ve read it several times. I like to call it ‘elevated pulp’ because I’m annoying.
    Could you recommend sci-fi/fantasy books with similar vibes?

    by PurpleHareRich


    1. ‘The Killer Angels’ by Michael Shaara provides a riveting account of the Battle of Gettysburg. I recommend it for anyone interested in the Civil War, as it brings historical figures to life with rich dialogue and detailed character studies.

    2. gonzoforpresident on

      *The Mageworlds series* by Debra Doyle and James D. MacDonald are basically as close to Star Wars as you can get, without being Star Wars. The first books were written before the Prequel Trilogy came out.

      *The Black Ocean series* & spinoffs by JS Morin are a modern take on the space plus magic idea and fit the term “elevated pulp” pretty well.

      *Splinter of the Mind’s Eye* by Alan Dean Foster – The first non-novelization Star Wars book. Foster wrote it shortly after he wrote the original novelization.

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