July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    First and foremost, I understand that this isn’t the typical “suggest a book” post, and I hope it remains up because I genuinely want to express my gratitude to this community.
    A brief snapshot of my story: I lost my eyesight at the age of 5 and remained blind until I was 35. Following a successful surgery, I regained my vision. Of course, this is a condensed version of my experiences during those years. As you can imagine, I had to navigate the journey of relearning to read visually, as opposed to using Braille, which I relied on for most of my life. Throughout this process, this subreddit has been an invaluable resource.
    Now, I have perfect vision and can read any text. However, I face a unique challenge. Recently, as I’ve delved into textbooks, I’ve found it hard to truly absorb and internalize the authors’ thoughts and ideas. For those of you who’ve been reading visually your whole lives, how do you fully engage with and understand what you read? Do you read aloud? Take it slowly? I can read and understand the words on the page, but I’m seeking strategies to truly absorb the content, much like I did with Braille. I can’t make notes for each page what do you all do?
    Thank you for your continued support and advice.

    by abhishekjoshi171

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