September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I enjoyed the books about Eragon and Saphira so much, and was extremely excited to see he wrote another, a tale about Murtagh after the fall of the king…. I’m quite a ways into the book and I seriously want to stop. It’s infuriating how absolutely weak Murtagh is with no explanation. Eragon as a rider was defeating shades, razak, urgal chieftains and all as a child still. Murtagh as a rider is a grown man, veteran of numerous wars, trained in all forms of combat and is so frustratingly pathetic in this book I’m pissed the whole time I’m reading. A fish and a pig absolutely bodied him… He is completely hopeless in all confrontations except one thus far. He’s used the name of names in the ancient language, the most secret and guarded weapon in all existence, so powerful, TWICE!!! and it did absolutely nothing. Did the author forget that Murtagh actually beat Eragon in a dual once? He should be equally as powerful if not more so. And not once has he stored energy in his sword ruby nor drawn from it in desperation… As if the author forgot that was possible BUT HE DIDN’T because Murtagh finds a yellow diamond full of energy and uses it to break a trap!!! Why is he not utilizing the most basic of survival strategies in this ridiculous book!? God I’m so pissed, honestly I’d say don’t even waste your money on it 😒

    by Lord_Glave

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