September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all,

    I recently read a complete anthology of all of EAP’s short stories and poems (I have not read his Dupin novella, but I do plan on reading it eventually when I have more time). His dark and macabre themes accompanied by the prose are very entertaining for me to read. I do like his poetry, as I am a fan of poetry as well, but I am more looking for a collection of short stories (or a singular short story/novel and I can do my own research on the author) or an author who somewhat resembles EAP’s style of writing. Honestly, it does not have to be exclusively stories that are dark and twisted, I am looking for similar writing styles and exploration of similar concepts (death, love, tragedy, beauty).

    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!


    by percocetpleasure

    1 Comment

    1. H.P. Lovecraft was a big fan of Poe, and you can see the influence of a story like “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” in a lot of the Cthulhu mythos stories. Lovecraft’s short novel *At the Mountains of Madness* takes a lot of cues from Poe’s *The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym*.

      Another author who was hugely influenced by Poe was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whose Sherlock Holmes shares a lot of traits with Poe’s detective Dupin. Stories like “The Speckled Band” or *The Hound of the Baskervilles* also adapt Poe’s atmosphere.

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