July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not really looking for any particular recommendations, but I thought it would be fun to discuss or favorite Christmas novels….

    With Christmas around the corner, I’m heading myself up to read a couple of Christmas books from two of my favorite authors:

    The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore and When Elves Attack by Tim Dorsey (RIP). Both are shorter novels featuring characters from previous works. They’re short, sweet, and not even a little bit as good as the authors’ other novels. Seemingly a cash grab requested by the publisher. But they’re still hilarious and a lot of fun and a great reason to revisit some of my favorite books as a refresher before bringing them all together.

    What are some of your favorite Christmas books to read? And why?

    (aside: I hate the books subreddit. Every single time I’ve attempted to post, they delete it for one capricious reason or another.)

    by jstnpotthoff


    1. Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan really impressed me. It’s the best book I’ve read in years about making the right decision, even if a lot of people don’t want you to.

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