September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I can find a lot of information about how print book sales have increased pretty significantly over the last 5 years, but I can’t find much in the way of data regarding a change in reading activity (i.e. something accounting e-books, which were very popular in the ’10s and did affect print book sales). And specifically, I can’t really find much about readership by age cohort either.

      So I guess my question would be is there really data suggesting an increase in youth readership? Or are we just hearing about it more due to social media and a number of voices with a lot of exposure talking about doing it?

    2. I wish the increase in reading would lead to increases in writing proficiency. Hell, I don’t expect a lot, just full sentences, capital letters, and punctuation

    3. LadyBogangles14 on

      Define “older Gen” & “younger Gen”

      I think the reactions would be different depending on who you are talking to

    4. flashy_dragon_ on

      Who do you consider older gen?

      As a confused Gen X/Millennial type, I fully support reading more books. While I don’t quite understand booktok, I also don’t understand the hate placed on it, as I believe any pressures for popular books are caused more by the publishing industry than influencers.

      Anyway, before I get on a weird soap box, I think younger folks reading about anything is worth supporting. Read what you want, as much as you can.

      I hope that is the popular sentiment here. 😆

    5. My dad once told me “I hate all books.” Many reasons for the next statement but I hope he enjoys the retirement home

    6. RecipesAndDiving on

      I’m 43. More books more better. Minus the Tik Tok main characters and Andrew Tate worshippers, I quite like the younger generations.

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