July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like I am the only one who hates love triangles (like I despise them). The person in the middle is always doing something stupid and will usually end up dating on of them and then kissing the other WHILE still dating the other one. The other two love interests we’ll either both get hurt or just one will get hurt (usually after they have already been cheated on). Also it is always the same trope bad boy x good girl x good boy, I don’t think I have ever seen a scenario where the girl actually chooses the good guy. It is always the bad guy even though he is a total asshat but “he will change for her.” And again the girl always does stupid things.

    I was watching *Life With The Walter Boys* and I was getting frustrated because of what the girl ends up doing but it made me think of all the book I won’t read because of these STUPID triangles.

    by Suspicious_Juice_734


    1. I don’t know why those are called ‘triangle’ when they’re obviously ‘V’s. The scenario you describe is often written as drama for drama’s sake, which means one or more of the characters does inept, thoughtless things for plot reasons, rather than internal (meaningful) reasons. They’re invariably terrible stories.

      A love triangle is where the affections go one way between three people, so all are unrequited. It’s just as stupid, but feelings!

      To be fair, feelings are chemical, zero intelligence involved.

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