July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys, my bf’s (25M) birthday is coming up. He currently only reads nonfiction but I want to show him the fun of fiction books. He loves history, pirates, Nordic culture, and all things nefarious. I’m thinking a historical fiction. He says he feels like he needs to be learning when reading so hoping to find a somewhat historically accurate, but interesting/gripping story. Thanks in advance!!

    by radFuxkinMadZ


    1. Aggressive_Cut4892 on

      Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh. It is a historical fiction of the Indian community of Mauritius, specifically their migration from India to Mauritius by sea in the course of the opium trade. It is plenty nefarious and there are pirates too.

    2. I’m currently re-reading “Daughter of Fortune” by Isabelle Allende and I’ve always loved her fiction. I don’t know how historically accurate this particular book is, but I know that some of her other works incorporate fiction and the historical facts of the coup in Chile – where her actual uncle was killed by Pinochet – and in general the condition Chilean people lived in during the dictatorship. Some titles that come to mind are “The house of spirits” – that is the second book of a saga starting with “daughter of fortune” – and “Of love and Shadows”.

    3. Something that might bridge the gap is Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. It’s a retelling of…well, Norse mythology. So it’s fiction in the sense that they’re myths, but it’s also educational, given mythology’s place in influencing culture and arts.

      Not positive this is relatable, but to me, reading it was akin to when I learned about Greek gods & myths in Latin class in high school, which gave me insight into the mythos that underpinned the classical era.

      Would highly recommend the audiobook, too, if he’s into that.

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