September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If you havent heard of this book or series, it follows a thief. I finished the first book, Burglas Can’t Be Choosers. It was a fun and fast mystery where he’s framed for a murder and he has to clear his name. Nothing ground breaking, but light hearted and fun, just what I need sometimes.

    My question is, this is a big series, 12 books, is my assumption that they all are pretty much the same and formulaic correct? Not always a bad thing, these have came out over 45 years, so plenty of time for them to not get stale.

    Assuming they’re all very similar might be something where I check out one a year so I dont get tired of them.

    Anyone else read these? If you havent, I do recommend the first one if you need a palate cleanse or want something light and fun.

    by ACardAttack

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