July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wasted my entire last year procrastinating and surfing the internet. I kept putting my projects aside and wasting time on something trivial, even though I knew I should be doing something else. This continued until I allocated a little time for myself to read books, specifically ‘Keep Going.’ That’s when I came across the idea of a ‘bliss station.’ After that realization, I started spending some time at my desk reading. It was during this time that I picked up ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear and thought that in order to make it a habit, I needed to take action. I decided to dedicate one hour every day to reading books, live on my YouTube channel(Jatinn Dahiya), for the next 365 days. It’s been 36 days, and I feel great about it. I’m sharing this to invite anyone reading this to allocate some time to do what they love. Often, we push aside our passions because we’re caught up in the race of life or scrolling through social media, telling ourselves we’ll get our lives together tomorrow. We might deceive ourselves temporarily, but deep down, we know we’re neglecting things we truly want to do—whether it’s drawing, reading books, or learning to play an instrument.
    I will be online every single day for the next 329 days no matter what and if get positive feedback on this will be so grateful and continue this for coming years. I think we can support each other and won’t let each other quit. Let’s build our own ‘bliss stations’ and strive to improve ourselves by 37.78% by the end of the year, together.

    by JaaniDahiya

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