July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am an AVID book annotater. I be highlighting and underlining shit and writing all over the place. I got everyone in my family a book for Christmas but of course I have to read them before I gift them. My hand is just ITCHING to write in these books, what do you think. Am I imposing myself by making marks, do I leave them virgin so it’s up to the reader to interpret what’s important to them? Or is it quirky or something to leave a personal mark. I literally can’t read another page until I get some input because my hand is TINGLING

    Should mention that ‘everyone in my family’ is just mom and two sisters and we’re very close and they know I’m an oddball

    by Over-Yogurtcloset895


    1. poiuylkjhgfmnbvcxz on

      Nobody wants a used book as a gift. I would say don’t even read them, naturally there could be some wear and tear that makes it obvious it’s used. Plus that “new book smell” could be gone 😪

      Should buy new copies for them and you could have probably checked them from the library to read yourself if you didn’t want to pay for two copies..

    2. No, please don’t mark up these books. Good for you for giving books as presents but let the recipients decide how to change them. One man’s annotation is another’s vandalism.

    3. takemetotheclouds123 on

      Personally I love reading annotated books if the writings neat enough but it really depends on the person. And it might be taken badly unless you ask

    4. So you are buying these books to be gifted but you’re reading them first? And also want to annotate them?

      Why would you buy something new and gift is second hand? Not only second hand, but also annotated? I would be extremely offended if I got a gift for Christmas and it turns out it has been read and written on.

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