Looking for narrative non-fiction, preferably post-war but I’ll take a look at anything, bonus points if its on audible or spotify audio books.
Some that I’ve read and enjoyed:
* The Mayor of MacDougal Street
* The Devil and the White City
* Empire of Deception
* Disney War
* Den of Thieves
* One Minute to Midnight
* Number Go Up
* MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios
* Marvel Comics: The Untold Story
* A Long Time Ago, in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away
Some subjects I’m interested in:
* movies and entertainment
* the cold war
* the vietnam war
* scams and crime
* the drug war
by bluejays-and-blurays
Bring on the Empty Horses by David Niven
*In Cold Blood* by Truman Capote (IIRC) was credited with creating the non-fiction novel as well as true crime.
The Disaster Artist