September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest me a book for a Black Mother

    Seriously this is DIRE…i do not have a Christmas present for my step mom yet even tho i started Christmas planning/shopping in September…

    I know she reads because she works from home and she’s really big on reading and supporting black i would like to buy her a couple of books that i think would resonate with her

    One of the books i plan on gifting is The Lesson before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines (one of my all time faves) so if i could get suggestions with similar themes and im open to taste breakers and nonfiction as well.

    My step brother is no help AT ALL and the only book he knows she has read is Twilight…so I’m not sure if she liked it but do whatever you’d like with that info.

    Any suggestions are welcome looking to get like 4 or 5 books

    by jovialbinkie

    1 Comment

    1. charactergallery on

      *Beloved* by Toni Morrison is about a Black mother dealing with the trauma of slavery and also the ghost of the daughter she killed to protect her from that fate.

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