September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for books with a specific vibe that i cannot put into words, but i will try.
    The best piece of media that can describe what i’m looking for is Over the garden wall, perfect mix of strange and serious, a seemingly light series that in reality has a deep story/characters/whatever. Other books/movies/series/videogames that i feel have the same vibe are Italo Calvino’s books, The little prince, Little nightmares, Big fish, Alice in wonderland, Lisa: The painful.
    If you are not sure about what you are about to recommend first don’t worry, i appreciate the help either way and knowing what i’m NOT looking for also helps others ahah, second go with the weirder option if you really don’t know what to suggest. Thank you in advance, have a good day:)

    by Nepnip


    1. panicinbabylon on

      Tom Robbins has that kinda absurdity thing going on. Also John Irving, but a little darker?

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