July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After reading some manga/webtoon series like “Magic Emperor” and “Villain of Destiny,” I’ve become obsessed with stories where the main character is a full-fledged villain or, at the very least, morally ambiguous. But I want to get into proper books now. I did come across “Villain of God” on Wattpad, and it was pretty good. The only downside is that the author uploads once a week, and I’m the impatient type. 😅Do any of you know of any books where the MC is just blatantly morally ambiguous? I’m talking about characters who walk that fine line between good and evil, or maybe even embrace the dark side entirely. Thanks.

    by Opening-Mango-8298

    1 Comment

    1. Live_Ability7980 on

      Not sure about the books but you are talking about the “Villain Play of Destiny” cuz if you are mind telling me if its good and any good villain webnovels you’ve read

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