September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TW: depression and talk of very triggering events at the end of the book

    I just finished The Secret History and I’m not gonna lie, it’s really wrecked me.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think it might be my new favorite book of all time, but my brain tends to romanticize misery and I wasn’t expecting this book to trigger a real bout of depression. I just didn’t see any of the climactic events coming, and what happened in Camilla’s hotel room just hit me like a freight train.

    I want to read another book but all I feel like reading is something similar to the Secret History and I just know it’s not going to be good for my mental health. I guess I’m just looking for validation here, or maybe some suggestions for what y’all like to do to release the bundle of energy that accumulates while you’re reading something heavy

    by kittiesssss

    1 Comment

    1. This is an incredibly thought-provoking post! Since a lot of us have secret histories that we may not be aware of, depression can be even more complicated to navigate. I’d love to hear more about how others have experienced this!

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