September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m looking for a book as a Christmas present for my 12 year old nephew. He is a bright boy, in gifted class, and reads voraciously. He is the eldest of 4 siblings, and the 3 younger siblings (6,8,10) are closer to each other than to him as he would often “bully” or “trick” them, as they say.

    I love this boy to bits and wished he could be a bit kinder and more loving towards his siblings. He is otherwise a thoughtful and sweet boy, mature in thoughts for his age.

    Does anyone have any book recommendations for him? I’m currently thinking of getting “The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse”. Something not so in-your-face that I’m trying to teach him kindness but for him to grasp some deeper meaning behind a simple story perhaps.

    Thank you!

    by colourfulgiraffe

    1 Comment

    1. hauntingvacay96 on

      Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

      I don’t think it’s going to instill kindness and gentleness, but I think it’s a good book to practice exercising empathy through. .

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