September 2024
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    1. Level-Bit-9546 on

      Harakumi Murakami Kafka on the Shore had two stories of ‘depressed’ man. Perfume: the story of a murderer also kinda had it, but it’s from a murderer. Crime and punishment also is about this. I’ve heard that the main character of this last book is amazing, to say the least.

    2. Wicker King. Two high school boys trying to figure themselves out. It’s worth a read. Wont say more in hopes of avoiding spoilers

    3. BoringImplement8699 on

      Wellness by Nathan Hill, it’s a super great deep dive into two halves of a relationship that spans at least a decade. It’s really interesting to see both partners perspectives on themselves/ each other and how their life transforms over the years. On the man’s side, there’s a lot of him feeling unsatisfied and lost in his marriage/work. I LOVED this book, which is definitely not in my usual genre

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