September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read this some years ago. (I don’t want to say a decade ago, but probably more than five years ago?) I was in a True Crime binge mode and this was one of my favorites reads. I remember being excited when it was announced that they were going to adapt it, but I also remember being concerned about Scorcese adding “too much DiCaprio.”

    So much time has passed that I no longer remember the details of the book, but I wanted to ask people with better memories and people who read it more recently what they left out. Wasn’t there more about the FBI and the whole investigative process? I feel like there was a whole lot more about the FBI and the investigator. And I don’t remember there being so much about Ernest…

    I just finished the movie. I feel like it was 4 hours long and still somehow too short 😅

    by ZennyDaye


    1. I read the book recently, but haven’t watched the movie yet, so take what I say with a grain of salt:

      It sounded like Scorcese originally had Leo cast as the FBI agent and that would have been the focus. But after meeting with members of the Osage Nation he decided to retool and make it more focused on the victims, thus recasting Leo as the husband.

    2. New-Engineering1483 on

      I didn’t finish the book, but that’s exactly what I felt when I watched the movie. It was brilliant, but Lily Gladstone’s character needed so much more screen time.

      She felt like a bystander to most of the story and Ernest and his uncle took centre stage so much so that I initially struggled to tell whether or not Scorsese was trying to get us to empathise with them.

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