July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    “Der Struwwelpeter (“shock-headed Peter”)\[1\] is an 1845 German children’s book written and illustrated by Heinrich Hoffmann. It comprises ten illustrated and rhymed stories, mostly about children. Each cautionary tale has a clear moral lesson that demonstrates the disastrous consequences of misbehavior in an exaggerated way”


    So i wrote a similar book, but for teenagers. There are many situations when teenagers carelessly underestimate the risk of their stupid actions and thereby ruin their life in one single moment. These extraordinary situations are often so absurd that they do not appear in any serious guidebook. In any case, in school we are not taught the catastrophic consequences that stupid decisions can have. Normally common sense protects us from this, but for many teenagers this seems to be temporarily suspended.
    This book presents seemingly amusing scenarios followed by their realistic, harsh consequences.


    Table of contents:
    1.) Introduction. 7
    2.) Never jump from the balcony into the hotel pool. 13
    3.) In a fight, never allow yourself to be picked up 23
    4.) Why you shouldn’t brand yourself with a branding iron 31
    5.) Why you shouldn’t race on a motorcycle 37
    6.) Take cover when blowing things up 41
    7.) Why you should pay special attention to trees when skiing 45
    8.) Don’t buy unnecessary things on credit 49
    9.) Don’t do crazy tricks on a trampoline 53
    10.) Why you shouldn’t jump out of moving trains or cars 57
    11.) Don’t risk your life for a cool selfi. 61
    12.) Stay away from the bowling pinsetter 65
    13.) Why you shouldn’t even start smoking 69
    14.) Why you shouldn’t climb on a pool cover 75
    15.) Why you should never put your feet up as a passenger 79
    16.) Always have the headrest behind your head in the car 83
    17.) Always put your smartphone in the glove box 85
    18.) Why you should never go near small dams or rapids 91
    19.) Why you shouldn’t listen to music loudly 97
    20.) Never fall asleep outside drunk in winter 101
    21.) Never drink a whole bottle of hard alcohol in one go 105
    22.) Never put a New Year’s Eve firecrackers in your mouth 111
    23.) Don’t ruin your Life! 115


    by anon20192019

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