July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, there’s a lot to like about this book. I loooove the atmosphere, I think the core plot is very engaging and I think the magic system is awesome.

    But. I have three major issues I just can’t get past.

    -the totally unnecessary love triangle that has been shoe horned in.

    -the fact that the main character effectively ghosted one of her love interests. I know these relationships are not totally the same as modern western ones, but it’s clear there are some real feelings there and I honestly find ghosting deeply morally abhorrent. It’s making it really difficult to like her.

    -the main male character is utterly useless in every way. I get that the author didn’t want him to white knight anyone but he literally just stood there and watched like five people get killed. That takes time!!! He didn’t do anything but just watch!

    So yeah. I’m really close to DFN which I think it a shame because there is so much to like about it, I just hate the above stuff….

    by HolidayPermission701

    1 Comment

    1. I don’t understand posts like this. “I don’t like a book, should I force myself to finish it?”

      If you don’t like it, don’t read it. It’s pretty simple.

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