July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, was looking for book suggestion sites and stumbled onto this forum. My family has a tradition for Christmas Eve where everyone gets a new book. This year I have my husband and I’m not sure what to get him.

    He likes reading but definitely struggles to find time, so a book you can get into quickly would be good. Terry Pratchett is his favorite author (we already own all of them, some in multiple versions), but otherwise he’s more into Sci-Fi. Timothy Zahn and Craig Alanson are probably his next two favorite (again, pretty sure he has all of their works).

    Thanks for the help!

    by ATATMom


    1. Comics and manga can be great for this kind of thing if he’s willing to read them, and there’s some really fantastic options out there. *Particularly* in the case of Sci-Fi. For example, [Saga](https://www.goodreads.com/series/146415-saga) is a fantastic blend of space opera and fantasy. There’s also [BLAME!](https://kodansha.us/series/blame/), which is some excellent dark sci-fi.

      And since you mentioned his love of Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaiman (who co-wrote Good Omens with him) has also done some fantastic comics he might enjoy, like [The Sandman](https://www.dcuniverseinfinite.com/comics/book/the-sandman-1/211cf121-ef88-4aa4-b2e4-97aec2d9edf4/c) and [Marvel 1602](https://www.marvel.com/comics/discover/297/marvel-1602). (A list of more comics he has done can be found [here](https://www.neilgaiman.com/works/Comics/), though it’s not a complete list).

    2. *Seveneves* –Neal Stephenson

      or my favorite manly-man book of all time…

      *Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage* –Alfred Lansing

    3. I also love Pratchett. Consider the book The Rook (there is also a sequel) or the Gentleman Bastards series by Lynch. I loved both

    4. Bit of a shot in the dark, but potentially Will Save The Galaxy For Food by Yahtzee Croshaw. It’s a satire of classic 60s sci fi, and the tongue-in-cheek humour reminded me of Terry Pratchett when I read it. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but did make me chuckle a few times

    5. Paramedic229635 on

      Yahtzee Croshaw is a funny author with great characters.

      Will save the galaxy for food and Will destroy the galaxy for cash – An unemployed star pilot tries to get by in a universe where transporters are a thing.

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