September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Self value in like a feminine way? If that makes sense. I am confident and love myself, but i struggle with when a person insults me or anything, i cant really tell if they’re insulting me or not. And i just let them go, idk if its a sign of low self esteem or not (i dont dislike or hate myself, its on the contrary) A book about how to tell someone is being hostile, and how to value myself. Bonus if it has points on how to be classy and stuff. Thanks in advanve ^^

    by mytastytoenails

    1 Comment

    1. Anything by Briene Brown. See what she’s got and what looks best to you

      Also you might consider Why Men Love B**** if you’ve been interested in dating. It talks about why being a doormat doesn’t work and why men love people who value themselves. But really relationships in general.

      Quick plug for you local library

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