July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What is the self hypnosis Bible? I need it. I’ve been intrigued by it since I was a kid. And practiced on myself as a young teenager when I also had the time and drive to keep a dream journal and focus entirely on learning lucid dreaming.

    But, as I got older things changed. And my life has had its very dramatic ups and downs. Now I’m in a place where I’m doing therapy, and it’s helping. But it doesn’t fix the fact that there are several aspects of my personality that I truly do not like and beat myself up for. Not necessarily because they’re terrible, but because I could do better. And this self reflection is making me think about looking back into self hypnosis.

    I generally understand how it works, but if there is a good book on it that I could read to get myself in the mood and learn a lot in the process, that would be amazing!

    Thank you so much to anyone who helps!

    by scobysex

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