September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Apologies in advance if this post should go somewhere else. Kind people of r/books, my wife really wants to find a nice copy of Lord of the Rings. I think ideally she’d like a hardback vintage or antique copy, or a nice newer print that has an attractive cover. I was hoping to surprise her with like a first edition printing or something like that. Some of the ones I’ve found while searching are extravagantly expensive because they’re collectors items. I think she’d like to actually be able to open and read them without worrying about destroying any value. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Bonus if you also happen to know of a version of the Silmarillion that fits the above description as well.

    Thank you.

    by BLT_Special

    1 Comment

    1. A first-edition printing? That would be insanely expensive. I would concentrate on a well-bound hardback set, perhaps with neutrally-bonded paper that won’t digest itself with the passage of time.

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