subjects I’m interested in,
Plant Science/Botany/Biology/agriculture
Climate Change and Ecology
History, but on specific subjects:
* Precolonial Indigenous Americans
* Ancient Fabrics, Textiles, Medicines, Diets
* Experimental Archeology
Epigenetics, or Genetics in General
Understanding basic machinery, mechanics, and engineering
Herbal Medicine and Toxicology
by BaconBurgerF5227
1 Comment
For precolonial history, try *1491* by Charles C. Mann. It’s not a *textbook* per se, since most textbooks are broad overviews, but it is academic and is something I’ve seen on classroom assigned reading lists.
Also, I haven’t yet read it myself, but *Women’s Work* by Elizabeth Wayland Barber is considered to be a classic in the study of textile history/women’s history. Not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for, but worth looking up.