July 2024
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    1. TareynnTheTiefling on

      Two series that have recently cemented themselves as my faves are:

      • The Chronicles of the Unhwen Throne by Brian Staveley

      • The Necromancer’s Key by Mitchell Hogan.

      Unhwen throne follows a few different characters, has a nice dark grittiness to it and has a compelling storyline. It doesn’t shy away from violence but it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Has some cool god vibes, and giant war birds…just a really excellent series overall.

      Necromancer’s Key has one protag and explores some weirdly dark themes. Has some occasionally mildly spicy scenes, and some scenes that do feel a little more lackluster or than others, but I’ve legit been shook a few times by the content /events of the book. Pacing isn’t always 100%, but it always deliverers on what it promises while still keeping the story compelling

    2. Shogun , all the commercials for the new show keep showing up online so I’m gonna reread it myself.

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