September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was younger, I had a strong habit of rereading my favorite books several times. I practically only read a few books a year, because I reread so much. Today, this habit isn’t as strong, but rereading certain books is still very important to me. This is regardless of the length or complexity of the plot. It’s about what captivates me, what makes me want to read again.

    Because of this, I make a point of buying every book I read and keeping every book I buy, and some people question me on this, saying that books are for reading and passing on.


    by tasteslikenoir


    1. I have a few books I have reread, some 4-5 times, because they’re great. I also have a lot of books on my to-reread list. But mostly I read books I haven’t read before.

    2. A_Madrid_Autumn on

      I usually reread at least a book or series per year. For example, this year I’ve reread The Expanse series. I usually do it when I am in a reading slump and do not find any books that captivate me enough to get out of the slump.

      So I reread something that I know I like. What I like about rereading is the familiarity you have with the book, but at the same time you remember things you didn’t remember and it feels like discovering them for the first time. And there’s also those details that you only discover when you’re reading a book.

    3. I reread every book I like at least once usually, if I really like it then a bunch of times.

    4. I reread whenever I feel like it — not on a regular basis, but when a book comes back to mind and I decide I want to revisit it. Sometimes I also do so when I find new sequels and want to refresh my memory on what came before, so I reread the old before moving on to the new.

      I keep all my books, too, except for the occasional odd duplicate I wind up with. And I loan mine out. Books are for whatever you want them for. 🙂

    5. Almost never. Life is short and my to be read list is long.

      That said, all the audiobooks I listen to are books I’ve read before. I get to experience books I love again. And if I zone out or lose focus, it’s not like I missed anything; I know the story and can jump right in.

    6. I reread a few of my favorites once every few years (Foundation is a short read so I can indulge, but the Mars trilogy is much much longer so it will probably be a long time between re-reads)

      recently I’ve discovered the pleasure of reading different translations of the Iliad, so that’s a thing I technically re-read

    7. waveringsunshine on

      I’m quite repetitive if it’s a series or book I really like. For example, in sixth grade, I refused to read anything but the Harry Potter books, and spent all my time reading— I would usually reread it once every week, or two weeks if I was more busy. But some books I read once and have since completely forgotten about. It really just depends tbh.

    8. I just reread a whole series and I’m struggling with what to do until the next book comes out, and starting at book 1 again isn’t looking life such a bad idea when there’s over 30 books in the series 😅😅😅

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