September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    Long story short, I recently ended a 4 year relationship where I was engaged for 2 of those years. I was 18 when we began dating and he was 28. Needless to say, there was a lot of issues and manipulation in the relationship. I ended it, moved my things (and my dog) out of our home last month because I realized I needed to find my own path. I wanted to find independence and happiness without relying on someone so much older than me. I moved back with my parents and I am very lonely in my hometown. I’ve just started a new job (my first!) but it is remote.

    I’m looking for any kind of book, but especially self-help books about healing, forging your own path, finding happiness while being alone, etc.


    by imyerdad1

    1 Comment

    1. You might just try White Oleanders and see if it helps. There is a movie of the same title and it’s okay but it leaves out some stuff. Whenever I start feeling weak or dependent I come back to this and I keep thinking about when the mother tells her daughter to be strong and that there is strength in not loneliness per se, but being able to be alone.

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