September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for well-researched books that are engaging to read, i.e. aren’t boring academic speak. Ideally include ancient South American or African civilisations. I prefer global reads/surveys that can look at these things and draw comparisons but anything outstanding on one civilisation would be good too.

    by sakkadesu

    1 Comment

    1. “A Shark Going Inland Is My Chief: The Island Civilization of Ancient Hawai’i” by Patrick Vinton Kirch isn’t the region you asked for, but might be of interest to you. What makes me think it’s relevant is that Kirch is able to compare the progression of Hawai’ian political structures to those of civilizations they never had contact with, like ancient Egypt. Hawai’i’s relative isolation makes it a cool case study. It also happened so RECENTLY, you can trace human migration through extant chants in a way you can’t do with a ton of other civilizations.

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