July 2024
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    I have been reading Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy, and I felt seen and compelled by how her main character is a woman who just can’t settle anywhere. Prone to wandering, and feeling depressed or restless when living in the same place for more than a couple years. And how it informs her interpersonal relationships. The only other character I can think of with a similar story might be Ramona Flowers. But to be honest that side of her was barely explored in the new show, and only when it interfered with her romantic relationships. I am looking for more stories of people like this. Google seems to only suggest me love stories with characters who don’t want to settle down and it’s usually more about people who leave *because* they don’t want to commit to something.
    I would like to see someone who wants to commit to something but can’t because of the need to leave and see more, or because they can’t find a place that feels right to live in because of some flaw in the place itself that outweigths the pros of the relationship. Maybe even trying to hold onto old connections despite distance and time. It doesn’t have to be about a woman, brownie points if it’s not just about romantic love. Brownie points if the person moves though multiple places but none of them are good enough. Thank you! (and hope this makes sense)

    by WorldComprehensive76


    1. The ones that come to my mind are more about children who grow up with parents who can’t settle. And, now I can’t even think of the titles of those and Google is no help.


      Little Fires Everywhere – story is set in one location but mom/daughter have moved a lot leading to this story.

      Try searching “female main character wanderlust” that brought up some potentially good suggestions. I like this topic as a female with wanderlust.

    2. Wanderlust is the term that comes to mind

      There is a movie called The runaway Bride but this has to do with somebody who can’t commit because they haven’t figured out who they are.

      I’m also thinking of the movie Captain fantastic, 2016, but I’m not sure if that’s wanderlust or just the father having some of his own issues.

      One of the books that I know of is the Miriam Black series, the first book is called blackbirds, by Chuck wendig. This is the character who can’t stay in one place. There is something going on with her inside of her head, and she just can’t stay anywhere. I can’t tell if it is that the road calls to her or if the road calling to her is the only life she knows how to live. This is a really weird fantasy series, it’s very broody.

    3. Gaining ground by Joan barfoot it’s about a woman who leaves her family to live a self sufficient independent life in the wilderness .

    4. Ok kind of along those lines, but not exactly, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Such a good book!

    5. All the birds singing by Evie Wyld. It is entirely beautiful though quite dark, the reasons for the leaving don’t become fully clear till the end.

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