July 2024
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    1. LifeHappenzEvryMomnt on

      *Earthlings* by Sayaka Murata

      Started *Yellowface* by R. F. Kuang.

      Listening to *Rebecca* DuMaurier at bedtime.

    2. Finished

      **Quiet, by Susan Cain**

      **The Justice of Kings, by Richard Swan** – Absolutely loved this book and broke my book buying ban to order the second one so I could read it immediately


      **A Crown of Ivy and Glass, by Claire Legrand** – Not sure I’m really feeling this at the moment so I may have to pick something else

    3. GabbyIsBaking on


      **Nettle & Bone, by T. Kingfisher**

      Good, not great. Story felt disjointed in some parts.

      **Paladin’s Strength, by T. Kingfisher**

      Really really liked this one. I’m clearly on a T. Kingfisher kick.

      **Paladin’s Hope, by T. Kingfisher**

      This was my favorite of the series. I love Piper.

      **With You Forever, by Chloe Liese**

      A palette cleanser. Felt very contrived. No one talks like this in real life. I still ate it up lol.

      **Only When It’s Us, by Chloe Liese**

      Another palette cleanser. Same feeling as the other. I still liked it.


      **The Sunlit Man, by Brandon Sanderson**

      The final of his kickstarter novels. Excited to see if it lives up to the others.

    4. LongjumpingTea6579 on


      What you’re looking for is in the library, by Michiko Ayoama


      Eggs and Breast, by Mieko Kawakami

    5. offensivegrandma on

      **Black Friend by Ziwe** (releases later this month)

      A series of essays on the Black Friend trope and how white people use it to cover for their own prejudices. You know “I’m not racist,
      I have black friends!”. That ol schtick. And if you follow Ziwe at all, you’re already aware that she frequently asks white interviewees how many black friends they have and just bask in how uncomfortable it makes them. Hilarious and much needed social commentary!

    6. Read twisted by Steve cavanagh and Ender’s game! Thinking I’m going to do the dead zone by Stephen king next

    7. Finished ascendant sun by catherine asaro. Read primary inversion amd radiant seas by her last week. Fantastic books

    8. Finished:
      **Deep Work, by Cal Newport**

      **Transcendent Kingdom, by Yaa Gyasi.**

    9. TheUltimateIntern on

      **Complaint!, by Sarah Ahmed** (non-fiction)
      Tough read, in a fair few ways. The futility of policies, the sheer amount of time and energy victims sacrifice to be heard by institutions that insist they protect the marginalised, the significance of doors…

      **Sourcery, by Terry Pratchett**
      My Discworld journey continues – really wished I’d developed a hyperfixation on this World as a teenager instead of the most popular literary universe of the time…

    10. Finished: In the Miso Soup by Ryū Murakami

      Truly, Madly, Guilty by Liane Moriarty

      I Am Thinking of Ending Things by Ian Reid

      Started: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

      Soul of An Octopus by Sy Montgomery

    11. *BUFFALO 5 GIRLS, by Moyoco Anno*

      What the hell was this piece of crazy western what in the hell was that!? Made me think of the Marvel comic series *Kick Ass* with the kind of violence and stuff this one had.

      …Jeez. Well, this was some kind of crazy thing from an author with some already infamous titles in her biliography. Weirder thing was that this story was left unfinished on a cliffhanger. And considering just what kind of stuff happened where it leaves off it does beg a bit of the question of where the hell the author was gonna take this already crazy thing from there.

    12. Just finished Enders Game and about to go to Speaker for the Dead.

      I really enjoyed Enders Game, my boyfriend (who’s a huge fan of the quartet) told me to buckle up as he was thinks Speaker for the Dead is brilliant but a completely different lane to the first. Excited to get started!

    13. HellOrHighWalters on

      Finished: **Box 88** by Charles Cumming

      Started: **One Last Gasp** by Andrew C. Piazza

    14. Read: **The Hour I First Believed, by Wally Lamb** It’s hard to honestly say that “I really liked it”, but can definitely say “I really admired it” when rating THIFB. This is my second time reading Wally Lamb. I previously read *This Much I Know is True*. Both novels deal with mental illness and deal with the suffering of those who are in the roles of caretakers for those afflicted. In *This Much I Know is True*, it’s schizophrenia. In *The Hour I First Believed*, it’s PTSD. I am often amazed by how I find myself choosing books which are marathons of human suffering. Why do I subject myself to such misery, I ask myself. I think it’s to be more appreciative of my own life, and to be more sympathetic towards others’ suffering. I have to say that Wally Lamb is a writer who definitely is a master of empathy.

      Reading: **The Shards, by Bret Easton Ellis**

    15. Finished:

      **Don’t Fear the Reaper, by Stephen Graham Jones**

      I loved it, just like the first book in the trilogy. I’m in love with the writing and I haven’t connected with a character in a novel like I have connected with Jade Daniels in a long while. His books have helped get me back into reading and I’m eager to read more from this author. Can’t wait for the AMA!

      Currently reading:

      **Days at the Morisaki Bookshop, by Satoshi Yagisawa**
      **The Myth of Normal, by Gabor Maté**
      **Crush, by Richard Siken**

    16. phantasmagoria22 on


      **Holly, by Stephen King** – 4/5 stars. I know a lot of King fans aren’t fond of the character Holly, but I like her. This is now the sixth time her character has made an appearance in a King novel, and I personally feel like she’s evolved a lot. She still has her little quirks, but she’s definitely way more toned down in this one. The overall story is solid, but I wouldn’t say it’s at the same level as King’s recent works, such as *The Outsider*, *The Institute*, *Billy Summers*, or *Fairy Tale*. That said, it’s still worth the read.


      **The River We Remember, by William Kent Krueger**

    17. WanderAmethyst on


      **A Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara**

      * Phew, 700+ pages. Beautifully written. Enjoyed it. A character that is set in his ways and “doesn’t improve.” Tragic and too real.


      **The Secret History, by Donna Tartt**

      * Took this on ‘coz I liked The Goldfinch. The references to ancient Greek etc. are a bit difficult and frustrating. Liking the story a lot. Very engaging but I wouldn’t call it page-turner as some claim.

    18. Big-Masterpiece-6343 on

      Finished **NIGHT IN ZAGREB** by Adam Medvidović – oh, this is the best book since LOTR. Finally some good vs evil in a new way that is epic and original and related to the current world situation, religion, God, satan, etc… everything… is the beginning of a series even better.

      Started **Billy Sommers** by Stephen King – lets see what Mister King has to say after all those years. I didn’t read King since I was disappointed with Pet Sematary, but we always have to give him a chance.

    19. Finished (in audiobook format) **To Be Taught, if Fortunate by Becky Chambers**. My first audiobook. I wanted to see how I felt about listening to a book versus reading it. If the different medium allowed me to be engaged with the story or if it was more in one ear out the other. It was a short one, easy to follow and the narration was entertaining enough. Wouldn’t say it was enthralling. I may try a history or autobiography next. Still up in the air if it’s something I’m interested in sticking with or doing it the old fashion way.

    20. Finished: Pandemic by Scott Sigler – Ending of a trilogy about a space plague. I enjoyed it 4/5. There is a lot of military and government scenes. Science based lore dumps to explain how the plague works. Plenty of body horror, an actual threat to humanity, grief, action for me, and plenty of surprises. I’d recommend the trilogy if you’re interested.

      Started: IT by Stephen King

    21. NathanVfromPlus on

      American Psycho, Brett Easton Ellis. Started it on Sunday, and I’m reading it for Banned Book Week this week.

      This book is *hilarious.* I keep finding myself bursting into laughter as I read it.

    22. Finished **A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving** – I loved it and I would highly recommend. Great story, I was sobbing in the final few pages. It took me a while to get into it as I found the writing style can drag on a bit but it’s well worth it.

      Started **Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes** – this is my audiobook at the moment. So far so good although I am preparing myself for another emotional finale.

    23. Finished: **The Battle for the Soul** by **Edward-Isaac Dovere**. Dovere specialized in reporting on the Democratic Party’s organization and dis-organization during the Trump admin. It is mostly an account of the 2018-2020 primary battles, complete with a description of the Iowa caucus techno meltdown, South Carolina, the exhausting selection of the VP candidate, pandemic and takes the reader through to an interview with President Biden two weeks after the inauguration.

      It almost 500 pages, so strap yourself in. You’ve got to be compelled to read politics to get through this one.

    24. Just finished:: The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood

      As a woman, I feel an even stronger need to gtfo here!

      (Sorry, I seem unable to make things bold type on mobile browser.)

    25. Finished Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. After seeing all the hype about it, I’m not sure I get it. The writing was juvenile a lot of the time and the world building was lazy. I really felt like book would’ve benefitted from more SHOWING instead of TELLING. Don’t tell me the MC is the smartest girl ever, show me through how she acts and let that speak for itself. That being said, I still had fun reading it and the story started to grip me once I got towards the end. I will be picking up the second one from the library once it comes out.

      About to start Verity by Colleen Hoover after a friend really wanted me to read it. My first Colleen Hoover novel, wish me luck!

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