September 2024
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    I’m currently on Ethereal Earth Series by Josh Erikson, before starting this I finished the Magebreakers Series by Ben S. Dobson, and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series by Michael Scott. All 3 involve magic and two have an almost smart-ass main character who is both extremally lucky and intelligent. I also seem to like references to real world lore and legends. I know all three are small and relatively unknown but anything close to these would be great, thank you in advance.

    by Drumma5409

    1 Comment

    1. Not sure if any of these are quite what you’re looking for but here goes anyway….

      Dominion of the Fallen by Aliette de Bodard, starts with *The House of Shattered Wings* – dragons in an early 20th century Paris recovering from a magical war.

      *Sorcerer to the Crown* and *The True Queen* by Zen Cho – Regency period + magic. Slightly earlier (Napoleonic wars) is *Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell* by Susanna Clarke, which is a standalone but a chunky one.

      *A Master of Djinn* by P Djeli Clark – set in turn of the 20th century Cairo, it’s book 1 of a series but unfortunately the rest aren’t out yet

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