September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book (any language as long as an English version is available) preferably within the past hundred years that is either narrated by or about characters outside the realm of humanity(more so in behavior and views then physiology) some examples (the Sandman and the book thief) also anything to do with viewing things humans can’t understand (a lot of elder itch stuff like the color purple) TLDR books from a non human perspective about humanity. (Not super literal as no longer human would fit better then Percy Jackson would as the protagonist feels non human. Also preferred speculative fiction. Thank you for any reccomendations.

    by zach7183


    1. [The Clan Chronicles series]( by Julie E. Czerneda. You could start with the first published, A Thousand Words for Stranger, or you could start with the first chronologically, Reap the Wild Wind. I’d recommend first published.

      [The Murderbot Diaries]( by Martha Wells

      [The Left Hand of Darkness]( by Ursula K. Le Guin. Everyone’s described as a human, but this is far enough in the future that different varieties of humanity have developed.

    2. “The Murderbot Diaries” by Martha Wells and the “Ancillary Justice” series by Ann Leckie both have AI narrators.

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