September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was reading a book online and I lost it, let me know if you recognize this. I can’t find anything now. It said it was written pre 1940. It was a family mother Laura and baby Bobbert and I can’t remember the father’s name. They proposed a tariff for the family where they charge 10% on necessities and 30 on luxuries and it would go towards Bobbert’s college fund. They had visitors Kitty and Will and they both had followed the tariff too. That’s as far as I got and now I can’t find anything! The last name was McFarland or Mcfarley or something similar. Thank you in advance for any help

    by cones98

    1 Comment

    1. JSYK

      >Rule 3.4: “What’s that book called?” posts are not allowed. Post instead to /r/whatsthatbook or /r/tipofmytongue.

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