September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I had read a post on reddit about someone reading this book to a cancer patient. Can’t find that thread right now and I’ve not read the book myself.

    One of my uncles is dealing with Cancer and I wanted to gift him this book. I’ve heard it’s a great book; just not sure if it would be a good gift for him. If nothing it might help him distract away from his illness?

    Hope this is the right place to post.

    by rajesh8162


    1. I can’t imagine why not. I have heard it (and other edge-of-your-seat type books) is not recommended for people with heart problems as it can get the heart racing, but haven’t heard that about cancer patients.

      I’m sorry about your uncle ❤️

    2. If he likes sci-fi, I think it’s a good pick. It can be a bit tense/edge of your seat, and it’s not a fluffy, happy book throughout since he’s obviously trying to survive amidst the issues, but I think people who like survival stories or space stories can dig it.

    3. Not to take away from _The Martian_, but my first thought was to recommend _Project Hail Mary_ in your situation.

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