September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ranges: nonfiction, literary fiction, fantasy or historial types books would work too.

    I’m looking for novels or short stories about people who grew up with no parents either in an orphanage or a boarding school. I’d prefer the story to contain insight into the feeling of abandonment, or maybe a search for a purpose if they are older. I would prefer them to not live with distant family or any relatives. I am open to different types of stories, I just want to get into the mind of someone who doesn’t know where they come from. Some examples would be: experiences from adopted people from China during one child policy and how they felt, or stories maybe in a eat, pray, love find yourself kind of way, but with a person who just got out of a foster system like school. Or that have an element of immense hardships like a drought or famine could be a good aspect, but I’d prefer for the story to not revolve around war or something too modern like the internet, unless the inner dialogue is phenomenal. I am also open to all cultures or religions, but if there are any Buddhist/Jewish/Christian perspectives that are historical that would be helpful.

    I am casting a wide net with this post so please provide any suggestions you might have classics, new releases, best sellers, or maybe something a little less popular. Other than ideas above, my biggest constraints are please no bad writing and only stories with substance. Thank you!

    by ppboopeep

    1 Comment

    1. All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung (transracial adoptee memoir), Far from the Tree by Robin Benway and What I Carry by Jennifer Longo (YA with quality and depth)

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