October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One of my gfs was complaining about how much books cost (there was a post on here the other day that blew up about this too), so I brought up going to the library. And she looked at me like I was crazy.

    It’s surprising because everyone complains about the cost of books, yet libraries are filled with free resources. It makes me wonder, are libraries just not on people’s radar anymore? I’m curious – do you use your local library, or have they become sort of a forgotten option?

    by McKennaJames


    1. LibraryGuy1964 on

      I can’t speak for your gf, but our local library is busy all of the time. And I have books checked out right now, some ebooks on my phone and a few physical ones too.

    2. MillenialProtagonist on

      My library is fantastic and also has a massive selection (thousands) of ebooks all free for checkout onto whatever device you prefer. I think that’s the case for a lot of libraries these days. I would definitely ask. It’s rare for me that I can’t find a book either between their physical location or online.

    3. I use my library almost weekly, there isn’t a bookstore anywhere near me. I also use the digital offerings and I have a Scribd account, too. I would buy more books because sometimes the wait through Libby app is weeks, or months, but books are too expensive so it has to be something I really, really want.

    4. I use my library’s ebook resources. I have dyslexia and so I use a tablet to read because I can change it to the dyslexia font. I also attend free classes at my library. The last one I went to, we painted pumpkins onto plates.

    5. I only use the library. Our library is tiny but it connects to all the libraries in the province. They loan all sorts of stuff ther than books including all-terrain wheelchairs.

      I don’t understand people like your girlfriend. I can’t help but think it’s a classism thing.

    6. I use mine, mostly for audiobooks, but it has limited selection for books and audiobooks and sometimes a long wait, so I still buy. Plus, I just like buying books to own them, to reread passages, and to read in my own time.

    7. As a kid, I loved going to the library every Friday after school. I’d borrow at least 3 books to read over the weekend. Oh what a simpler time. Now, I rarely have time to read the free books I have downloaded on my kindle app. I wish I had more time to spend at the library. It’s my happy place. I could take a chance and stop in, but I’m afraid I’ll incur late fees since I won’t have time, or forget, to return books.

    8. This doesn’t track with my personal experience. Nearly everyone I know who reads uses the library regularly, including me. Libby in particular is super popular, though I still know plenty of people who prefer physical books.

      My local branch of my local library pretty much always has people in it, but it’s also a flagship library in a major city so grain of salt. Recently it was announced Sunday service was being suspended due to budget cuts and there was a decent amount of fervor.

      I’ll add that I grew up using libraries, both to get books and to get things like movies and city museum passes. I figure that some of the people who never consider libraries an option might have grown up in an economic situation where they just never needed to use one.

    9. Suspended_Accountant on

      I hardly use my local library any more. I’ve been trying lately, but don’t have the motivation to read, nor do I like how they declined my request for a few series starter books, because they were initially published in the late 70s, early 80s and that is much too old. Not that it mattered to the library that the editions I requested were later republished editions.

    10. A_Madrid_Autumn on

      I don’t use them because I read in a foreign language. Libraries usually have a bunch of books in that language but since the selection is so small, the usual thing for me is to not like the books they have or I have already read them.

    11. I almost exclusively use the library- I mean, yes, free, lol.

      Maybe I’m lucky and not every library system is as good but if I know I wanna read a book I just ask them to order me a copy from some other branch or something and it comes in a week.

      I was reading something the other day that referenced Thomas Pynchon and I figured you know I never read him and he’s important so my local library is gonna have a copy of Lot 49 in like a week. This is amazing and we’re so lucky we can have this.

    12. Careless-Ability-748 on

      I alternate buying books (because it makes me happy and i can afford to) and borrowing kindle books from the library. I only borrow on Kindle because i don’t actually like going there. It’s loud and uncomfortable.

    13. I use my library extensively for both print and ebooks… and audiobooks… and DVDs… and magazines sometimes… yeah, I use it a lot. My coworkers are always shocked when I mention it, but I definitely use it. I’ve had a library card for most of my life, in every county I’ve lived in.

    14. justhereforbaking on

      My local library is tiny and from the books and programs it has you’d think only children use it… but they recently had an online reading program and about 10% of the total town’s population signed up, which seems like a decent amount. We have interlibrary loan so I think most patrons over the age of 18 aren’t coming into browse. Other libraries in the area that are larger also seem to get great use- one of my friend’s boyfriends is a librarian and he seems happy with their patronage.

      My state’s Libby license is also very busy!

    15. Everyone uses the library. And that’s why I buy books.

      I check the library first but if I’m number 280 on the wait list, and I don’t feel like waiting a year to read it… I’ll buy it.

      Digital, physical copy, or audio book. There’s three different wait lists and all of them can be MASSIVE. it’s obnoxious.

      For popular books. Older books, not popular books I can get.

    16. There are some people that just think that using libraries are beneath them. I don’t get it, but I think these are the same people who are like, “Used books? Ew.” I love all my local libraries. If I’m ever in a book store/gift shop, I just make notes on my phone on which books to pick up at the library next time in town, rather than buy them there at those insane prices.

    17. I love the public library! Unfortunately, I’m a fairly slow reader, so I only visit once or twice a month, but I go! And always have a delightful time when I do!

    18. No_decent_usernames on

      I’m a lifetime Friend of the Library at my local library. (Just their fancy title for anyone who donates more than $100/year to them.)

      I don’t check out much from them though, because I live in a rural, heavily Christian town, and the book choices reflect that. Like, it took me months to get them to get the Toby Daye series, and then they pulled them for being “pornographic” after a couple of church groups got their panties in a bunch.

    19. Being on Reddit is making me appreciate how good the public services are in my county. I have 3 libraries within easy driving distance. All of the county’s libraries are part of the same system. If you want a book that is only available at the branch several cities away, they will ship it free of charge to your branch.

      I love my library system, and wish more people would use it.

    20. I download audiobooks from the library all the time. Seems like anyone who is a high volume reader would have to use the library unless they’re just loaded

    21. SnooMacaroons8389 on

      I pretty much only get books via the library or from a friend lend. Libraries are awesome and often under used.

      I mentioned to a friend that I had gotten something from the library and their response was “Are libraries really a thing anymore? I thought everyone just bought whatever books they wanted to read.” I was shocked! I cannot fathom buying a book I haven’t read at full price. Maybe at a second hand bookstore, but when they are $15-$20 minimum there ain’t no way. Always check the library first!

      I just requested a rather obscure book for purchase by my local library and within 24 hours they had let me know they we purchasing it and that I could request a hold for it on their website. What a gift!

    22. PresentationLimp890 on

      I have a library card and use it for online books that are available from all the libraries in the digital consortium. I think it’s busy, because there are waiting lists for lots of books. I can’t imagine any public institution better than free libraries. They really are available to most people.

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