September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Really looking for bangers here, books that are exciting and fast-paced. Page-turners, fun reads, epic stories, immersive world-building. Anything that’s unputdownable and relatively easy. I like sci fi and fantasy but also classics, contemporary classics, westerns, and more. I guess I’m a little less motivated by horror and gritty mysteries. Thanks in advance!

    by MarkMannMontreal

    1 Comment

    1. A very short guide to classic French authors:

      Dumas (for adventure – probably closest to what you’re asking for).

      Balzac & Hugo (for social commentary – think Dickens)

      Flaubert & Stendhal (for realism with more on the psychology of characters).

      Proust (perhaps the most beautiful prose ever written – very little happens though).

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