September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to get a book for my best friend for Christmas. She is in her first year of Law School (in the US), and I want a relevant book. I am not in law school, so I don’t have the best insight and could use some guidance. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! If you have the time, a brief reason for suggesting a book would be excellent.

    \*You do not have to have gone to law school to make suggestions\*


    Here are the criteria:

    \- It can be a fiction that is an enjoyable read about being in law school, being a lawyer, etc.

    \- It could be a book that has helped you, or someone you know, through law school/being a lawyer or attorney (non-fiction or fiction)

    \- Nothing too similar to a textbook

    \- I don’t usually make length criteria, but she can get daunted by larger books, so nothing over 400 pages, please. Bonus if it’s fast-paced!


    Thank you!

    by iris_holla


    1. I don’t know your friend but as a law student myself the last thing I would like to read on my free time especially on holidays is a book related to law because all we do is study law all year round. So what I would suggest is something not related to law at all.

    2. dumptruckulent on

      Law school is a lot of reading. Like A LOT of reading. And it gets exhausting. So if you really want to get your friend a book, I would recommend something fun, easy to read, and not related to law at all.

    3. TheOkie_TikTok on

      Picking Cotton was a good one. It’s a dramatized non-fiction story about a man who was wrongfully convicted based on (notoriously unreliable) eyewitness testimony.

    4. I’m not a lawyer, attorney, or student of any kind. I can tell you, however, that I have enjoyed several books by John Grisham and he writes fiction books related to what you are looking for.

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