September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Lately I’ve been struggling with coming to terms with the trauma I experienced from my upbringing and I would feel comforted if I could find a fiction/non-fiction book about dysfunctional families/someone suffering or coming to terms with family trauma.

    Any suggestions?

    by innocent1234


    1. unlovelyladybartleby on

      All Families Are Pscyhotic by Douglas Coupland. It’s fiction and is about family trauma with no SA or suicide. It’s also hilarious

      This is How by Augusten Burroughs. Non fiction

      In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate. Non fiction, about how trauma drives addiction

    2. Sergeant-Snorty-Cake on

      Everything I Never Wanted to Be by Dina Kucera. A little different from most family trauma memoirs in that she grows up to try to hold together an extended household of elderly parents, addicted offspring, and relatives with physical challenges and health conditions. Well written and relatable.

    3. originalsibling on

      Julian May’s Intervention and Galactic Milieu series are ostensibly about humans’ first contact with aliens, and the emergence of higher mind powers (telekinesis, telepathy, etc.); the real drama, though, comes from the dysfunction and trauma that some of these people with powers experience, and how having powers only increases the damage they can do. (To fully understand both series, you might have to read the Pliocene Exile series first, which does touch upon these issues to a lesser extent.)

      Stephen King’s _Carrie_ does much the same thing, if I remember correctly, just in one book.

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