September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there! Looking for recommendations for any “how-to’s” or “everything you need to know” about urban homesteading. Or anything based in practical knowledge skills. My partner is pretty handy but we’re renting a house instead of an apartment for the first time and we’re looking for useful tips

    by polyadvicepleaseeee

    1 Comment

    1. *Good Housekeeping Home Skills* came out last year and has a ton of information on softer skills to use around the home. Stuff like how to utilize small spaces better, clean cast iron, schedules for different cleaning tasks, etc. It’s available as a wire-bound edition (pricier), which is really useful when both of your hands are occupied with the projects it’s guiding you through.

      *Essential Home Skills Handbook* goes more into “handyman” style tasks, like fixing plumbing, basic carpentry repairs, and so on. If you’re renting, these might be tasks for your landlord to do, or else they might be willing to reimburse you for the materials if you want to fix up the place. I make some small fixes in my apartment I know they wouldn’t care to fix, but it varies by situation.

      *Urban Homesteading: Heirloom Skills* and *The Urban Homestead* are two books that both cover more natural approaches to home-related tasks, including composting, making and using natural cleaners, and preserving food. They’re a little older than the above, but this information doesn’t change much.

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