September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just looking for some advice please, so I spent around a year living in a flat that had a terrible mould problem and I noticed it on some of my books. I imagine there is spores on all of them even if not visible due to the level of the mould problem; it was on hard surfaces and all of my clothes. I’ve now moved into somewhere mould free and have kept the books but I am stuck what to do with them. I have barely touched them as I don’t want to disturb the mould and was just looking for the best advice? Would it be safest just to discard them? Would the mould grow back if I cleaned them/ would it even be possible to clean it all off if for example it’s not visible? And what would be the best way to clean them if I did? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    by artichok_e

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