September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love reading but I find it so difficult to read at home. Although I love studying at home, my attention is all over the place when I try to read for leisure.
    The majority of books I have read attentively were during commutes surprisingly and at work.

    Any ideas of nice places to read ? Or tips on how to improve my attention or motivation to read at home 🙂

    by Disastrous_Card_7860


    1. El_Sol_de_Madrid on

      I mostly read at home, but I also like to go out and sit on a bench and read there. Though that’s difficult during summers. I don’t know who got the idea to put 80% of the benches in Madrid exposed to the sun when during half of the year you disintegrate like a vampire if you stay more than ten minutes sitting there.

      I find it difficult to read during commute because sometimes I get motion sickness. Also, I usually tend to arrive twenty minutes early for university classes and I usually read until the lesson starts.

      About the tips to help you read more at home, I’ve sometimes gone through phases where my focus is pretty scattered. During those phases, I found useful to leave all my electronic devices in a different room and go with the book to a different one. That way you kind of “force” yourself to read because you don’t have anything else at reach to dictract yourself with.

    2. Administrative_Cow20 on

      Parks are nice if the weather cooperates and the distance isn’t a barrier.

      If you struggle at home due to distractions, set yourself up for success by minimizing distractions. If you’re tempted by your phone, put the phone in another room. Or the tv remote, put that far away. You could even set a timer, and challenge yourself to read for x minutes without stopping. Increase the time a little every so often, til you’re reaching your reading goal.

    3. I keep a portable chair in my car so I can stop at a park to read in the summer.

      My favorite spot to read is in a south facing room in my home with lots of natural light and lots of plants. I’ll tell myself- just finish this chapter.

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