September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Planning to read a book every month for 2024. Never have i read books regularly.
    About me, I’m 25M. Looking to make 2024 a productive year. I am preparing for a competitive exam. Got cheated on 4 months back after a 4 year long relationship.

    I want to transform my life in 2024. So a couple of self helps maybe. I like thrillers. I also want to get started on some philosophy classics. Please help me out.

    by ChotaMotaInsaan


    1. Hi I recommend the night circus. It’s a fantasy book set in 1886. It’s a sort of competition between two students who learn magic, and it’s set around a circus. It has a bit of romance but nothing too smutty. It is an amazing read

    2. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss is an interesting nonfiction book about negotiation and how being more knowledgeable about it can be beneficial for your daily life.

      Anthony Howoritz has a nice mystery series called Hawthorne and Horowitz.

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